Daily Colors

The Language of colors

“Colors can be a language in themselves. It allows us to connect with people by showing warmth, happiness, and love. It is a unique way of communication that can elicit feelings, only colours can convey. Connecting with people in a way, words can’t. The art of using colour and shapes as a way to connect with others is at the core of our artistic work at KREIS.” – Alexander Kreis.

Deepening the understanding of how colors come into our life and how they resonate with others is similar to learning another language in the classical sense. Given that one thinks in language, the quality of our thoughts can only be as good as the quality of our language. Understanding colors, shapes and the creation behind them allows people to connect and interact in a broader, and yet, deeper way.

light Scattering

Looking at our planet from out of space, one will not only discover blue oceans but also a blue shell.
The blue shell is created in the earth’s atmosphere. The light hits gas particles and is then scattered. This scattering is also known as the Rayleigh scattering, named after the physicist John William Strutt Lord Rayleigh (1842 – 1919). “Sunlight is a mixture of colors. The color blue is scattered to a greater extent compared to the colors red, yellow and green. This is why the sky is blue,” explains Gemologist Vanessa Kreis.

Coloring the skies

“But we all have seen pictures of the beautiful sunsets at exotic beaches or the fiery sunrise in the early morning hours of a day. A display of natures beauty that even inspired artists such as Claude Monet. A display that left such strong impressions on Monet that he encapsulated them in works such as the “Cliff of d’Aval, Sunset” from 1885,” says designer Sonja Kreis.
These fiery red skies are due to the greater distance the sunlight has to travel before reaching the human eye compared to the distance the light has to travel at midday. In fact, the light has to travel through up to 30 times more air-mass, filtering-out “cold” colors, such as blue, in the process. What remains are the “warm” colors such as red, yellow and purple.

A blue horizon

“If we look closely at the horizon, we will discover different shades of blue. The closer the sky is to the horizon, the lighter the blue becomes,” says artist Alexander Kreis.
This phenomenon is due to the increasing gathering of bigger, heavier particles towards the earth’s surface. Our understanding of this has been aided by the curiosity of the physicist Gustav A. Mie (1868 – 1957). Mie discovered that sunlight scattered by bigger particles, so-called Aerosoles, stays white.
“When it rains, the water will wash-out the bigger particles. Thus, no particles for the Mie-Scattering-Light effect remain and the horizon turns blue,” explains Alexander Kreis.
This physical phenomenon does also explain why the sky seems particularly blue when standing on a mountaintop. The person standing on an elevated position will reach heights which is characterized by fewer Aerosol concentrations, coloring the sky in a particularly intensive blue.


Fenton and Nannetta – Love and Tradition

Creations by KREIS Jewellery

Burning Skies – The Imperial Flame Gemstone

[Sunrise 2018 – by KREIS]

[Sonja Kreis on Mountaintop – by KREIS]

[Etretat, Cliff of d’Aval, Sunset – by Claude Monet 1885]